
Connect to your MetaMask wallet, click on the 'Mining' button. This will take you to the following page. If you see 'Sealed', it indicates that this collection has not yet started.

Once mining becomes available, a 'start' button will be displayed. Clicking 'start' and the numbers in motion, signifying the commencement of the mining process. As the overall mining progresses, the difficulty level will gradually increase. Typically, this process lasts anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. Once mining is complete, it will automatically stop, and you will be prompted to commit your mining activity.

After mining an inscription, users should commit it as soon as possible. It's important to understand that just because you've mined an inscription doesn't necessarily mean you'll acquire it. Mining is conducted sequentially, and many people might be mining the same inscription simultaneously. Who ultimately obtains the inscription depends on the miners' packaging order. Nonce verifications from later packages are likely to fail the difficulty verification.

After a successful commit, users can click on the 'address' to be redirected to Etherscan and view the status of the transaction.

Last updated